
Yoga, motherhood, badass awesome sauce and love

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Ick season and how Elderberry Syrup can help!


I’m sure you’ve all seen me posting about elderberry syrup. I’m in love with the stuff, but it never really occurred to me that most people have no idea what it is, how to take it and why you would even want to. So here goes:

Elderberry syrup is packed with high levels of vitamin C (lowers blood pressure and boost immune system), vitamin A (healthy eyes, teeth, hair, and skin), bioflavonoids (help maximize vitamin C absorption) and antioxidants (supports immune, respiratory, and nervous system functions)!

Elderberry Syrup helps balance blood sugar levels!

Elderberry is a natural diuretic and laxative!

Elderberry helps to shorten the duration of a cold or the flu with its high levels of anthocyanidins (found in berries, this antioxidant helps keep the nervous system, blood vessels and eyesight healthy)!

Elderberry syrup contains high levels of anti-carcinogens!

My elderberry syrup also contains echinacea (anti-inflammatory, immune booster, respiratory system booster and powerful anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties), Ginger (immune booster, anti-inflammatory, and digestive health), and local honey (boosts immune system, anti-fungal, bacterial, and viral properties, anti-carcinogen, helps support proper gut health)

Basically, elderberry syrup is a magical witch’s brew that not only shortens any sickness but used daily will help prevent you from even getting sick. preventative maintenance in the form of an elevated kidney, immune, nervous system function, and anti-aging benefits sounds like my cup of tea….er syrup!

I take 1 tsp daily when well and 1 tbs up to 3 times a day when sick!

You can find yours here (please note I sell only local, my elderberry syrup is 100% organic and must be refrigerated):